Five Stages of Grief

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, M.D. (July 8, 1926 – August 24, 2004) was a Swiss-born psychiatrist, proposed the now famous Five Stages of Grief as a pattern of adjustment. These five stages of grief are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. In general, individuals experience most of these stages, though in no defined sequence, after being faced with the reality of their new single-again life.

An initial feeling of numbness, then thinking, “This cannot really be happening to me.”

Feeling of rage against God, the former spouse, others, and even one’s self.

With the former spouse to “patch things up,” or with God to “take this problem away.”

Feeling helpless, floundering, lifeless, and in extremes, even suicidal.

Reality of the loss is dealt with. The person grieving is at peace and is hopeful. A new beginning is experienced.